Outdoor entertainment with
Make the most of your summers by maximizing your time outdoors. Don’t go inside to watch your favorite shows or a big game – enjoy them outdoors.
With a SunBriteTV, durability isn’t a concern. SunBriteTVs are remarkable pieces of engineering, and can withstand:
- Temperatures as low as -24ºF
- Temperatures as high as 122ºF
- Dust
- Rain, snow and sleet
- High humidity
- Salt spray
- Block insect infestations
Leave them up all year round – no need to move them inside when the weather gets cold, or worry when the sun’s beating down.
Use SunBriteTVs for:
- Rooftop Decks
- Outdoor Living Rooms
- Outdoor Bars and Kitchens
- Outdoor Sinage
- Garages or Outbuildings
- Near Pools or Hot Tubs
- Above Outdoor Fireplaces