Four New Year's Resolutions For A More Enjoyable Life

Four New Year’s Resolutions For A More Enjoyable Life

The new year is almost upon us, and that can only mean one thing – coming up with a lofty list of New Year’s resolutions that are all but certain to be forgotten come the first of February. But if you’re someone who wants to get more out of your favorite movies or music, this could be the year to take that leap. (It is a leap year, after all!) Here are a few resolutions that can get you started on the road to enjoying entertainment more in the New Year!

Resolve to listen losslessly

High-resolution audio playerIf you truly love music, this should be the year that those crummy MP3s and low-quality streaming services go the way of the dodo. All signs are pointing toward high-resolution audio making a big mainstream push this year. Hi-res streaming is already here with services like Tidal, and it may be coming to Apple Music before too long. You can also download your beloved albums in pristine lossless quality from a number of online retailers, to play back on home and portable players like those offered by Sony. Once you hear every subtle nuance in your favorite music, you’ll wonder why you put up with those horribly compressed old audio files for so long.

Resolve to unify your entertainment

Tivo Bolt with popcornYou have a TV, a Blu-ray player, a surround receiver, a video game system, a streaming device or three… and maybe even a VCR. (Hey, you’d be surprised how many people still do!) Chances are, you have as many remotes to match, and you’ll never be able to find the one you’re looking for when you really need it. You’re the perfect candidate for entertainment simplification, and lucky for you, there are great options out there. For example, the newly-introduced TiVo Bolt combines your DVR and streaming services in one simple interface. Universal remotes are also a great choice for corralling all your electronic devices.

Resolve to be in total control of your home

handappSpeaking of simplification – why stop with home entertainment? You’ve probably heard a lot about “smart homes” in the past couple years, but you’ve been waiting for technology to mature and become affordable. Well wait no more – it’s already here. While there are plenty of connected gadgets out there, many are far from “smart.” A true “smart home” is a unified, intelligent system that brings together many modern conveniences – like motorized shades, lighting, home security, entertainment and more – and gets them working in harmony to anticipate your needs. Imagine touching a button or tapping an app on your phone that initiates a “movie night” scene that dims the lights, fires up your home theater, kicks on the fireplace and lowers the blinds. This merely scratches the surface of what a smart home can do, and it’s more affordable than you think.

Resolve to get the big screen experience without leaving your couch

Rear Left screenAre you a movie buff who’s still watching Laurence of Arabia on a seven-year-old 32-inch 720p TV? This is the year to witness every vivid detail and exciting sound the way your favorite filmmakers intended, and there’s plenty of options to choose from – no matter the room or the budget. From gorgeous OLED TVs to stunning wall-filling projectors, the color and clarity of 4K Ultra HD will blow you away. Add in the unparalleled three-dimensional sonic experience of Dolby Atmos, and you’ll enjoy movies like never before – right in your living room. Whether you go for a simple TV installation to a full-blown dedicated home theater, we’re here to help you navigate all your options and get the perfect products for your needs.

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