Music Matters

Music Matters

Strictly defined, music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence with common elements of pitch, rhythm, dynamics, timbre and texture. However, we as humans universally recognize music as an emotional experience. Music can move us, create joy or sorrow, bring back distant misty memories or create ‘the mood’. Weddings won’t start or end without music. Every car on the road has been produced with a radio on board for decades for listening to music (even if you listen to talk radio, music still acts as ‘bumpers’ in between commercial breaks). Music is deeply part of us, it’s in our soul and in our culture.

As we enter our 62nd year of business, we have learned to recreate music effectively at Suess Electronics. We understand high priced electronics don’t automatically guarantee high performance. Instead we understand the placement of speakers in the room can have as much to do with accurate sound quality as the electronics being used to produce the sound. We understand that ‘best’ sound is a matter of removing layers of distortion by carefully implementing the correct electronics, providing line conditioning to remove household electrical noise, installing the appropriate audio interconnects and speaker wire. Each small adjustment adds up; each working together to make the end result ever closer to perfection.

Our view is the Big Box Stores of the world have a goal to move a box from a shelf to the car trunk with as little interaction with the customer as possible. Our goal, born from decades of experience, even if we are good at moving lots of boxes too, is to instead do things in the way we know best. We go beyond moving boxes. We instead strive to interact and work with our customers to help them recreate the emotion in their music. To help them achieve the therapy, the spiritual attachment, even to create profound emotional response that can affect a person to their core. It takes knowledge, experience, passion and even empathy to achieve this goal.

We think we are very good at accomplishing this.

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Suess Electronics - Serving Northeast Wisconsin Since 1951

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